While I am standing beneath this Sycamore, besotted with its golden glow, leaves are passing away in front of my eyes. A little death is taking place as each one turns, decays and falls. Autumn and it’s peaceful slowing brings the inevitable truth to mind.
The wrinkling up of my smily eyes like a crisping leaf, curling and fraying at the edge. The retreat to creative solitude as each hour of daylight becomes more precious. The overwhelming urge to dawdle and dander on my walks. While the Sycamore is going through a gradual decline with each season, I suppose in some ways so am I.
Without any sense of panic or great turbulence the natural world is going to sleep, is letting autumn happen. All the so called imperfections of these ageing leaves, dark spots, crow’s feet, crumples, puckers, creases and fraying at the corners, once caught in the eye of my lens, are surprisingly beautiful!
I’m not there yet, still only dabbling, but when the time comes the best possible decline would have to be a similar windswept, freckly and fairly wrinkly one. I doubt that this will never be written on the back of a jar of moisturiser…………
Great bokeh shoot and I love your story. Feelings ..
Love a bit of bokeh alright Simon!
I've been noticing the same, but it's the silver birch leaves that scatter and tumble on top of my head.
Nina x
Lovely image in my mind of that scattering and tumbling! Thanks Nina X
'Freckly and fairly wrinkled' – somehow those words speak to me. And – what a perfect place in life to be!! Love the golden images!!!
Time to embrace the positives of all forms of wrinkliness, thanks Marcie!!
A beautiful ode to accepting the passage of time.
Thank you Mairead, love that phrase, a beautiful ode……
Thanks for the wonderful sunny pictures of autumn leaves!
Your lovely post made we want to look up some funny quotes about aging and here are 2 good ones:
Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.
Mark Twain
Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles.
George Eliot
Haha, Astrid I love those, especially that wrinkles merely indicate where smiles have been….so true!!
I think we as humans are not the best at approaching change. Especially with age. Even in dying there is beauty. I always loved my grandmas 'crow feet' around her eyes. It meant that she laughed often and spent time squinting in the sun. And indeed my own are beginning to show! Lovely shots.
Kerry, you have reminded me how much I loved my old Grandmothers face, I always thought she was the most beautiful woman, and she was old even when I was born! Lets start loving our wrinkles!!
Nature is always doing her best to guide us, educate us and move us along with her – and she does it all so beautifully! Great post, beautiful (even wrinkly) photos 🙂
That's just it Rosemary, even wrinkly old leaves are beautiful, just like us!
A beautiful moving post (also 'to whom are we beautiful'). Thought provoking in the gentlest way….thank you
Freda I appreciate your comment thank you. My poor old Dad eventually passed away just before last Christmas, it was about him. X
Love the sunlight on the leaves was it taken at dusk or dawn? It's wonderful the way the leaves of different trees change colours at different times.
Your other post and words were beautiful they held such meaning for me. I also lost my Dad last year and the last few months were so difficult as his dementia got worse.
Sarah x
These were taken at dusk Sarah. Always a great time for beautiful light. So sorry to hear about your Dad. The whole experience was pretty devastating for us too, such a difficult time. Hope you are finding some better times these days. X
Delicious colours!
Thanks:~) Autumn is amazing better than an Irish summer like this last one any day!
Your capture of these fading leaves is amazing…I love how they glow….I have been thinking about aging and fall as well…
Donna, it just has that effect on us all then, glad to know its not just me! Thank you for your lovely comment, and the word GLOW, which is beautiful…..
The stained glass windows of nature, stunning xx
Thanks you that's a perfect phrase for how the light catches those leaves, just perfect:~))
Będą zmieniać swoje kolory, aż spadną. Wiosną jednak będą nowe, zielone. Pozdrawiam.
They will change their colors until the fall. In the spring, however, will be new, green. Yours.
That's the lovely part of having seasons, what a treat, thank you Giga:~)
Beautiful colours and light!
Thanks for that I agree Autumn colours are wonderful:~)
A stunning ode to autumn! Serene and yet capturing the change all around us, a delicious post!
Thanks Deb, delicious is such a great word for those autumn colours!
Like the light and the bokeh of your photos. Good work!