You are on your knees in a lavender patch, following the music of bees. In the distance a harvester is droning, and the evening sun highlights wings and petals.
You are obsessing about the need for a soft bed and a warm hearth as the autumn sets in; for a safe place to pause, for a warm welcome. And you can’t imagine leaving all this, leaving your own home and setting out on foot, to walk for miles to who knows where?
And you can barely grasp how thousands of them are walking through fields full of lavender and don’t have even a moment to watch every last flicker of this season’s sunsets, or to photograph bees in the evening light.
And you find that “$50 will provide high thermal fleece blankets to help protect a family from the elements.” And you can’t help imagining those dark elements as the chill of a September breeze, rustles through the leaves.
Please donate to the urgent appeal for humanitarian relief in Syria here at the UN Refugee Agency
So many people in need in this world. Thank you for reminding us to share what we have to those less fortunate….I love the way the light is shining on the bees showing his perfect little body…
Hi Nancy, those bees are just hypnotic for sure!! But it's just impossible to ignore the heartbreak that is going on just now in Europe……have a wonderful weekend my friend…:~)
They look beautiful photograph of lavender and bee on it. Regards.
Thank you Giga, lovely to hear from you :~)
I too was watching bees on our lavender. and a carpenter bee on the Polygala
and reading about refugees.
One world.
Yes one world. I hear you and thank you for that:~))
Great post.
Your images are amazing, gorgeous, filled with the golden sun of September, and yet announciating the dark days. The heartbreaking days, already dark for too many.
Yes so heartbreaking and impossible to ignore…..thank you Amelie :~)
Beautifully put as always Catherine. We live in a world of dark and light but as you suggest, there is certainly way too much dark at the moment. Everyone needs a safe place to lay their head.
Jane it's really as basic as that isn't it and some how a safe place to lay your head is something everyone can relate to. I think our world will never be the same again……we can't keep pretending…….x
If we could give more kindness to the world…a handsome bee and a cherished message…more light is needed now.