We mostly operate on auto pilot. While driving the car we go off into day dreams and don’t even know where we are sometimes. How is it we can’t remember what we were doing this time last year, or even last week?
Auto pilot is our normality. We are always more aware on special days; when babies are born, when we have that job interview, the day a beloved pet came into our lives. But this also happens when we are deeply challenged and our lives are turned upside down. Suddenly time is a different animal. Days drag or spin out of control. Emotions soar and plummet.
But something else happens too. In the realisation of how fragile everything is, our eyes open wider, our senses sharpen, we become more aware. And in that place, strange and vulnerable as it is, we can feel more alive and attentive. Photography while in this mindset, where we are open, vulnerable and aware, becomes a mindful practice, a rich way to capture this heightened sense of beauty and connection. Something magical happens between the lens in our eye and the lens in our camera. Moments are captured forever in one click of a shutter. It is addictive, but surely in a good way!
In Spring, 24 hours can change everything; the light, the blooming, the greening. This week it was more of a blueing as the wild bluebells suddenly flowered in the unusually warm weather. Nothing short of ecstatic exuberance here!!! The magic of the eye, the lens and the light took over.
Everything cultivated and pruned in Mount Congreve was duly ignored in favour of the wild and the blue.
I know just what you mean about the emotions soaring and plummeting and how the beauty of nature can be a balm to the senses. Lovely post as always and stunning photos.
Balm to the senses….I love that……thank you so much for being a kindred spirit in all of this :~))
Beautiful! I love that mauvey-blue so much, I have it on one kitchen wall so I can breathe in a bit of spring when I need a boost.
What a brilliant idea Janice! I love it too, and it’s hard to find it exactly isn’t it? I plan to print some of these in a large size to refer too later!!
What a beautiful place to be.
Yes Barbara, it’s a few short weeks of spectaular bluebells and then all will be gone again! Precious and rare these days as they are a protected species now…..
Oh…..and so delicate! Just gorgeous Catherine!
Thanks Robin! Yes very delicate. We learned as kids not to bother picking them as they would be sad and limp within moments……so many lessons from one little wild flower:~)
You brought me right into your place. What an incredible blue they are.
It’s such a delicate and particular blue…..one that is now protected by law! Thank you so much for feeling it!
I am forever thankful for the magic of your eye and lens.
Thank you so much dear Susan!!
Fabulous photographs and thought-provoking words – a magical partnership 🙂
Thank you Michael! It is such a special time of the year isn’t it, both for gardeners and for wild things…..
I feel these words and the wild blue of your images
like a slow unwinding breath that brings openness to my eyes and soul.
Thank you.
Going offroad in my heart more and more these days.
Words like these feed that permission in my soul…..I often need to hear it
in our “go! do!” culture.
Big joy to you,
Jennifer, I love the idea of going off road more and more. I try……Some how when I am creating it’s OK to be on here, but at other times it will sap my energy if I up and let it! And thank you for your beautiful way with words……
Oh! the magic of the blue-ed light under the woods, haunted by the sweet scent of blubells. Here the blubells have already been over for a while. Your images are beathtaking and transport me back in time when the woods were blooming.
It’s just a few short weeks each year so it’s great fun to get out into the midst of them. Luckily we had fantastic weather which really helped. Right now planning my trip to France in September…..can’t wait!!
These pictures took my breath away dear Catherine….my eyes and senses were wide open looking at each one carefully…again, and again. I am trying to be slower and more deliberate with life and in my garden especially these days….I don’t want to miss a thing.
Not wanting to miss a thing….yes I think that just about sums it all up!!! x