Thank you all for the supportive comments and thoughts you shared on the decline of butterflies and insects here. Out of the blue they are making a bit of a come back!
The butterfly bush is in the latter part of it’s flowering season yet this is the first dancing butterflies show of the summer. I mentioned our “loose garden” before and although it’s full of nettles and thistles going to seed we are keeping it that way as a small oasis in this desert of EU grass.
Earlier in the week some one on twitter called me a tree hugger. I think it was meant as an insult but I will be wearing it as a badge of honour now and forever more Amen!
For those of you interested in the practice of photography most of these images were shot with a zoom lens. (Canon 70-300mm on a Canon EOS 7D)You won’t disturb the butterflies this way and if you use an open aperture (the low numbers) you can get some soft background effects too. Always a bit unconventional when it comes to camera stuff, I can’t vouch for the appropriateness of this technique, all I know is “I like what I like….”
A tree willing to share its life-giving breath with us certainly deserves a little hug. Simply wonderful photos of the special interplay between insects and plants, Catherine.
Thank you! It was a such pleasure to be in the bush for a while yesterday:~))
Treehuggers R Us!
(How thin and pitiful to offer that as an 'insult')
I know! But hey, badge of honour Diana! You are one of the club!!!
Wonderful photos, I love butterflies
Thank you Margaret! I love them too, so peaceful……
Stunning Photos…
Amanda xx
Thanks Amanda:~)
So beautiful, Catherine! We, too, have a "loose" garden and have been encouraged to see more Monarch butterflies this year than last. Your photos make me think that it might be time to invest in a zoom lens, tho' I don't think I could capture things as you do…you have quite a way with it.
Thanks Lesley, really any lens will do. Best thing is to experiments and have fun:~))