The ice has gone for now and the lake is deserted and quiet. During December last year I walked around its perimeter pacing out the last days of his illness. There was nothing surer than the beginning of the end, and no one could alter it.
Today a daybreak sunbeam spotlights a forgotten pair of oars. And there he is, the absent fisherman.
His hands resting on his lap. The blanket which warmed his shivery limbs. Reciting the names of his children and grandchildren, touched by his internal picture of each one as they came to mind.
The living, breathing lakeside is a million miles away from that room. How much he would love to have seen just one more shimmering winter dawn like this!
Lovely photographs & beautiful, moving words …
Your images are beautiful and have a serenity about them, as I am sure the absent fisherman had.
This lake must have been heavenly to a fisherman
Kindest regards,
Helen xx
beautiful photos—-and lovely, heart-felt words to go with them. memories…..
hopping over from Vision and Verb….thanks for your knitting memories; I had never heard the knitting superstition, but how terribly scarey to have it come true.
i'm off to browse your space here….i'm in awe of all the fabulous photographers who grace v&v!!
Such a beautiful memoir and memory. Reading it brought tears to my eyes – for all of the absent fishermen..and the beautiful mornings they are missing.
Beautiful words and pictures and sadness.
Sarah x
Beautiful words and photos – the love you shared of this special place shines through your images.
Lost for words.
Lovely photographs and sad words…"For life and death are one, even as the river and the lake are one"… a very slightly paraphrased quote by Kahlil Gibran.
Such a poignant post. I was too busy to enjoy the frosty morning here today. Next time I shall remember to stop and really see it.
Those bittersweet memories…the wishes and hopes that cannot be…that picture of the absent fisherman is heavenly inspired.
What a beautiful post – it touched my heart.
The pictures are lovely too – such divine light..
Thank you for stopping by my blog today. I hope you visit me again.
Stay warm and snug.
Lots of love from Sweden
Space for Inspiration
I was moved by the picture and then I read the words and was even more touched. Beautiful.
Oh, just lovely. Lump in my throat.
Wonderful photos and words
absent fisherman ~ those words and your images will stay with me