In the transition days after Christmas and in the New Year everything seems to slow down. There were some great days of blue skies and the world and his wife were out walking. There’s no doubt that getting outside in nature is both exhilarating and healing. When I found myself grieving at Christmas about 12 years . . .
I see her walking
I see her walking on a path through a pathless forest or a maze, a labyrinth. As she walks, she spins and the fine threads fall behind her following her way, telling where she is going, telling where she has gone. Telling the . . .
A gift
Photography with heart People often ask me about what camera I use and whether I have any advice for some one starting out to make photography a part of their life. Over time I have created this short guide to my approach. I called it Photography with Heart (download by clicking on link) The information is more focussed on the experience of the . . .
Autumn walk
"There is human time and there is wild time" Clarissa Pinkola Estes This year as part of the Waterford Imagine Festival I will be hosting a Sunday morning walk on the wild side at Carrickavantry Lake. The numbers are very limited and you can book here. The walk will be a real life, real world sharing of contemplative . . .
Comeragh Mountains
The Comeragh Mountains lie towards the west of County Waterford. All year long we can track the sun as it sets further north or south along the high ridges, from one solstice extreme to the other. Like our elders, we tell the season and the hour by it. The weather comes to us from these mountains too and so every . . .
Beginning the descent #Pilgrimage~ July
Mountains of the Mani Peninsula Beauty underfoot with every step Down to the land and sea near Pylos Beau Lotto's TED talk about perception and reality. So today I'm thinking about the fact that the only thing that is certain is uncertainty. (Yes that's the kind of . . .
Wildflower walking in Greece #Pilgrimage ~ May
It's proving a challenge to capture the colours, shapes, and sheer abundance of the wildflower meadows and olive groves here; the scents underfoot, the way the breeze rustles the seeding grasses, the buzzing of bees. The sheer number and variety of flowers and plants self seeding and thriving everywhere. At times as . . .