First things first. In Ireland the first day of February besides being St Brigid's day is also the first day of Irish spring. OK, meteorologically speaking we are still in winter, but psychologically, because it's our tradition, we're happy to go with it. It's not the only thing we’re totally delusional about. But it's such a . . .
Savouring every moment
I started a one year sabbatical from my job of over 20 years in January this year. For the first couple of months I struggled with a bout of shingles and every other damn thing you could imagine. I even managed to fall flat on my face twice. For the first time since I was 10, I have two scabby knees and could enter any bruise comparison contest . . .
Learning lessons in street photography
Promenade Festival, Tramore Train station, London Pride Parade, Vienna Two young Vikings, Waterford Woman posing, Vienna Familiar sight everywhere More often to be found sneaking up on . . .
Expect the unexpected……#Pilgrimage ~ February
I've been watching small birds feeding on the table outside my window. Cautious at first, nervously swooping in and out. They pause and rest, for seconds at a time, and then they are on edge again, perching precariously. In the midst of them I found myself wobbling too and wondering what planet I was on when I decided . . .