Outside it may be winter but if you are back here, reading this, you are helping to create an inner glow of warmth! From the wonderful book lovers who have been buying my book, to bloggers and on line friends who have shared, every positive word of encouragement has really been special. Thank you!
It is such a vulnerable thing to put a self published book out into the world. I had absolutely no idea until I did it myself and I still can’t fathom the disturbance it created in my world. In many ways it has reminded me of when I first started to blog and share photography anonymously. But like everything else I’ve done in the last three years…..there are so many new lessons in it.
Sure it’s what the book is all about! Setting out again and again in spite of these feelings of wanting to hide, give up or literally fold up the tent. So today I want to mention where you can find some of these wonderful generous bloggers and broadcasters, and there’s still time to have a copy delivered before the holidays. It’s only available on line here or get the download here
First of all Nicky Cahill of Salt and Sparkle invited me to participate in her Q+A interview blogpost series, published today! Nicky is a Belfast based writer and broadcaster. We met on twitter where I suspect we were drawn to each other’s sense of place and love of the soulful.
Next up was Tony Riches from the The Writing Desk who invited me to guest post. Tony supports writers and creatives through his blog which has a huge following on line. He is also a published author and his latest novel The Secret Life of Eleanor Cobham is available on Amazon.
My friend and blogger Susan from Vibrant Ireland and Travel put together a selection of Irish gifts to buy on line and included the book! Susan is some one I have admired and followed since we first met up as newbie bloggers three or four years ago. She shares positive stories from Ireland and from her travels, and yes she is just as vibrant as her blog! She also offers blogging tours and other services through her partnership with Dee in Green and Vibrant.
Candi and the stories from her life on Looking for Blue Sky have always melted my heart. She is a single Mum of 3 who writes courageously about the fun and the challenges she finds in every day life and the joy in each of her kids. So thrilled that she included the book in her blog of 9 Christmas gifts available on line!
Then there’s Pat Carroll from CRY FM in Youghal. Pat invited me to chat on his Drive Time radio show and asked me such intriguing questions about what I do and why. At one point he compared me to Leonard Cohen, which made me giggle, so he is right up there as a critic as far as I’m concerned!!
But especially to all of YOU for coming here every week, for your ongoing support, encouragement, emails and for buying the book…..THANK YOU!
Catherine, thank YOU– your caring & beautifully creative soul shines through all you do, and I am lucky to know you & your beautiful work! Best of luck with this gorgeous wee book!
Thank you Susan x
So pleased that you are getting so much support for your beautiful book, I hope it goes really well for you xx
Thanks Candi!
Such beauty!
O thank you Amelie!