I checked the sea temperature today. Not much more than 13/14 degrees centigrade anywhere in Ireland. This year the cold sea water was harder to bear.
By the time we arrive in Kerry our friends are already a couple of weeks into the rhythm of twice daily swims. They glow from endorphins, icy water and warm wine. Dingle is their annual pilgrimage, and a sanctuary away from everything.
As a brief respite from the awful summer, the sun appears. It calms the icy water and the waves in Coumenoule are a bit less terrifying. I tingle all over from a fair few dunkings and summer holiday happiness.
On the way back I listen to John O’Donohue talking to Krista Tippett in a re-released interview from 2007. While I always found John hard to read, his lilting voice confirms so much tonight……
“Well, I think it makes a huge difference when you wake in the morning and come out of your house. Whether you believe you are walking into dead geographical location, which is used to get to a destination, or whether you are emerging out into a landscape that is just as much, if not more, alive as you but in a totally different form. And if you go towards it with an open heart and a real watchful reverence, that you will be absolutely amazed at what it will reveal to you. And I think that that was one of the recognitions of the Celtic imagination: that landscape wasn’t just matter, but that it was actually alive. What amazes me about landscape, landscape recalls you into a mindful mode of stillness, solitude, and silence where you can truly receive time.”
What a magnificent quote from John O'Donahue! Thank you for that, and for providing the name so that I can see if I can locate it. Blessings Catherine! (Was the summer difficult because it was cold? too hot?, what…I'd like to know what is happening in other parts of our great world.
Susie, good morning! I'd have to say it was what we might call fair to middling. I found it colder than usual and the sun rarely took hold. The weather forecast here would make you smile. One day they said, " Heavy rain with occasional thundery downpours. This will spread to showers later, with dry spells and light drizzle over night." So that's the kind of thing we are talking about!!!! Not a perfect summer and the sea was much colder too!!! (Excuse the moan)
Oh my goodness that quote is so spot on and totally resonates.
I have only ever been in Ireland in the summer with weather like that, I hardly dare go back and destroy my illusion that the sky is always blue and the sand warm!! Beautiful photos and words as ever, thank you.
Haha! Belinda stay with your illusion. I reckon those of us who live here just have to love the grey days too, that's the ongoing challenge…..
he's prairie, but I think he shares your living landscape
Thanks Diana your link took me on another journey. I totally agree mainly as I see the decline of understanding and connection to the natural landscape here too. Sensitivity and balance is probably the best we can do……
Is it any comfort to you to know that here in Northern California you can NEVER swim in the ocean because it is too darn freezing cold all year round? A very few bays are the famous exception, but even there no one stays immersed in the water for a long time (except in neoprene…). Lovely summer images!
Carola I had to get out my old neoprene this year!! The wet suit allowed me to stay in for longer but the extremities of my body suffered a red hot reaction to the cold. I reckon I am trying to hang in there with the cold sea for as many more years as I can. I always imagine California as strewn with golden beaches and half naked people…..who knew?
Hi Carola! One summer my husband was kayaking in late July in southern Oregon seas (near Gold Beach) and he was hit sideways by a freak wave and couldn't do his normal "rollover" because he was in my kayak which didn't have a permanent seat…) We dragged the poor guy out of the sea with two "rescue" kayaks and he had hypothermia! Coming from southern California as I have, it was an eye-opener for me for sure…..I used to surf all summer long in a bikini. Those days are over for sure-:)
TQ Catherine,
A wonderful post that resonated so much with me, so I borrowed the quote from JOHN O'DONOHUE…
You are welcome Barbara, I know how much your fabulous Gold Coast means to you:~))
this is a virtual vacation for me, I can feel the brisk water, the spacious view, and love the O"Donohue guote, so timely, as I have been painting abstract landscape, not just matter, but alive
Ah Kathleen how wonderful! He has described the connection between us and the land so well. I look forward to seeing your latest abstract work….alive….
Catherine, I always find it amazing, if not a little spooky, that I find something in one place and then there it is – popping up all over! I'm talking about John O'Donohue, who needless to say I hadn't heard of, and now he's there wherever I go. I think it's just that we notice stuff when we're need to, don't you? Anyway, I love the quote but I love the photos more. If you hadn't told me it was cold I would have thought otherwise. It looks beautiful from a distance….a great distance!
It's warming up at the moment but only up to 16/17 maybe? Still that makes a big difference so I'm back swimming again!! On John O Donohue, as I said I find his books harder to read, but when you listen to him you can really hear his passion and experience come through. I recommend this interview with Krista…..so many gems in there…….
icy water and warm wine…fabulous!!
A very Catholic view of the world……ice water=penance, warm wine = reward for penance!!!!
Oh that is a cold sea but such an inviting one…fabulous shots and it sounds heavenly there…I would love to be near the sea again cold or not. The quote at the end is fabulous and is why I go to my garden many mornings…it is a living landscape full of wonder.