“The future enters into us….in order to transform itself in us…. long before it happens.”
William Beveridge
Time is beginning to play tricks. It gallops along at a right old lick and then slows into stillness. I love the idea that the future enters into us, to transform us, long before it happens? It is a kind of explanation as to what I am feeling about the future and why…..
I have no New Year resolution or intention….. I only know that I want to go deeper into what matters with every day. Like going into the forest again, that spooky old place, rustling and creaking. But then the light catches some small details and I get swept away, into the flow again…..
Afterwards the thinking part of my brain decides to build an entirely new website. I’m about to shift from Blogger to WordPress, start again from scratch, learn a lot more about how to do all this. I’m trying to visualise the world 5 years from now. I find it is almost impossible as everything changes so fast…..
Then I woke up and found that artist, genius and legend Bowie was gone. I find Lazarus (his current gift to us) very hard to watch. But I always loved this one from 2013, maybe before he knew how it would end? Full of emotion, sadness, nostalgia for Berlin, and of course the dead…..
I'm agreeing with you in so many ways and, as always, loving your touching images.
It's inevitable, death? But still it shocks…..while we are trying to live on and trying to forget. Time really doesn't matter, does it? And yet we are tricked into making plans and thinking about the future. Let's just keep carving out our small patches of life in our present. x
Thanks Moll! Here's to living every moment!
As I get older, I reflect on life and time and death more often. I agree to just keep carving out our small patches of life. Elizabeth Gilbert wrote a wonderful piece on Facebook today about Bowie, and how he continued to create even as he knew he was dying. Thank you for the song. It was just what I needed to hear today.
Me too Kim, time and death accompany me these days. It's hard to imagine how he made that last album, and yet isn't it exactly how he lived? We die how we live? Very inspired today. Many thanks:~)
backlit russet leaf
speaks of life in the moment
Good luck with moving to WP, Jen at the Light Laughed recently moved.
I think I'm being very brave giving it a go!! Blogger is such a doddle!
I am not sure about Lazarus at all, but he was a man who went for it. Lovely images and thoughts today,X
Makes me think I better stop procrastinating and just get on with it!!!!
When someone's life and death can make us pause and think and reassess, that's something, isn't it. I found the move from Blogger to WordPress pretty painless. But it continues to be a learning experience. Although, what I decided was that it's the content that matters and I wasn't going to get bogged down in getting it perfect or needing to use all of its features. Life beyond my computer beckons.