There’s an exquisite late blooming iris outside my window. It catches the precious dewey light and as everything around it is dying back, grabs the spotlight at any time of day. It’s a quiet reminder that not only is it never too late, but later might even be better. It is food for the soul of any late bloomer.
I’ve often gathered older people in my mind’s eye to find inspiration and role models for ageing. As a girl growing up I drew great comfort from meeting an older woman who was living an unconventional and creative life.
It’s harder to remember this when you are sick and sore as I was for the last few days. How do people do it? How do they stay upbeat and inspired when they are hurting physically or emotionally? Coping with a long term illness would put me to the pin of my collar to manage. I salute older people who carry their war wounds through life with such grace.
The radiant beauty of this iris has carried me through just a few days in the company of a wicked old virus, and the necessity to slow down to a standstill.
So beautiful, Catherine.
I think you’d cope a lot better than you imagine if faced with long term chronic illness but I hope you never face that test. jx
I think for me it would always be about not being able to move…..but then again if I was able enough to read all the books I never have time to read, t’would help!! Thank you so much, means a lot Jean and I’m suddenly aware of the bells this might be ringing xx
On a lighter note, speaking of bells ringing, have you ever heard the dogs in Dunhill chiming in with the Church bell? Well worth a listen.
Haha! I obviously have a treat in store!!
I thought the photographs stunning and lost myself momentarily in one of them. Then came the words, and just as compelling.
Thank you!!! This iris truly was a gift….I’m glad you enjoyed seeing it ……up close with me. x
I hear ya! Just got over a cold myself. I haven’t had one in years and it seems to take more and more out of me. Hope you’re up and at-em soon…stunning photos…she’s a gorgeous subject indeed!
Hi Kerry! Yes I was down and out for sure. Cranky too!! That feeling of being held back from what you want to do. This morning I am feeling huge gratitude for the return of my health and for seeing you here x
So sorry to hear you were unwell for a while. Hope all is better now. I look forward to the Tuesday updates coming through. They always make me stop and smile. Jenny x
I think you have made my day Jenny!! That’s exactly what I hope for x
Oh my goodness – what beautiful photos. I love the water drops.
Thank you Stephanie! And all I had to do to capture the dew drops was to sneak out for a few minutes very early in the morning……! x
Every morning when I wake up I stretch and thank the universe for another day of health…and I think we appreciate that more and more as we age. Hoping you are on the mend and on the go again! Beautiful iris and symbolism!
Yes on the mend. What a lovely idea Robin, think I will borrow that one! x
Wow, what a stunning beauty! And I agree with Robin, saying thank you first thing each morning. Some days those stretches come easier than others.
I am so glad that you are over the worse of it and hope you feel better & better … being sick sure gives you time to think about stuff!
OK now I am getting a picture of you me and Robin as well as so many other women of a certain age who practice gratitude. It’s sure to have some impact on the universe….?! x
Always been a late bloomer myself. It’s never too late for anything. Hope you feel better soon.
Me too! And then I keep changing my mind another great one for the late bloomers!!!
What a beauty!
I’ve been thinking along the same lines lately, finding comfort from creative elders and late bloomers (… and finding it difficult to remember in illness and helplessness!). Hope you are feeling better.