I see her walking
on a path through a pathless forest
or a maze, a labyrinth.
As she walks, she spins
and the fine threads fall behind her
following her way,
where she is going,
where she has gone.
Telling the story.
The line, the thread of voice,
the sentences saying the way.
Ursula K. Le Guin
I’m following the #100DaysOfWalking suggestion from a thread I saw on Twitter on January 1st. If ever there was a sign, then this was one! It was started by Ciara Kelly a Newstalk Radio Presenter and GP. After that New Year beginning, it was going to be down to dedication and creating a habit. I’m 25 days in and holding!!
It’s not possible to bring the camera and walk the way I need to for my body. I have realised although I hate to admit it, the camera has played havoc with my fitness levels. You see the camera is a soul thing, not an aerobic thing. Far from it. I dawdle and meander forgetting time and the need to make progress. What I’ve learned from the 100 Days challenge is to set a timer (minimum 30 minutes), leave the camera behind, get the head down and go like the clappers. It’s just a different animal…..
It’s the first time in my life, (post retirement from my day job), that I have the time to think about what I eat, how to get fit, and stay healthy. I think this part of my life was always squeezed into what was left after work, family and socialising. Now it feels like staying alive and healthy might be my new job!! It all feels a bit strange.
Getting more into the body and out of the head is a challenge. It feels all wrong. I’m more the sit in a corner and read a book type. The wider world is open to me on my laptop too, sifting and drifting into magical worlds. In this new scenario of staying fit and healthy choices have to be made. Space has to be made for exercise, even when I don’t want to.
So the 100 Days habit is helping me to focus. Just once or twice a day I have to think….BODY!! My word for 2019 being “rooted” I remember to be steady like a tree, grounded yet rising. As for doing weights which I’m told I will have to, I’m getting there slowly too.
According to the experts my bones are fragile, but by the Goddess, my resolve is strong!!
When I was first diagnosed with osteoporosis I did a dedicated weightlifting routine. Which has lapsed. My walking is more amble and stroll but.
I’m hoping gardening and watering cans count.
I think what you are doing is perfect. Much better in fact that going to a gym. Personally I draw the line at a gym and can’t imagine anything more horrible!! Stay strong!!!
I try to cycle three times a week and swim three. Sometimes life crowds in or, like this week, health isn’t great. But I’m not too rigid as the next week is a new week! When I manage the goal, the satisfaction is incredible. Cycling is more strenuous for me as my ‘found’ bike is a stubborn heavy beast, but the mental release is wonderful! For me focusing on body has been a welcome release from my overcrowded mind!! Thanks for sharing and esp the poem!
Judith that’s pretty fantastic!! Yes I’m learning that the body is a welcome change from the fuddled brain!! Isn’t her poem a smasher!
So true about the camera, wish I could do both but like you I find it impossible…
Andrew for the first time I am leaving the camera at home. Is it cheating to bring the phone though? It’s lovely and light and I can take or leave it in the pocket. My compromise!
My head has been nodding all the way through this posting, including the comments. It’s so hard not to take the camera, but like you I know it’s better not to. It’s exercise, not photography. But I keep that little iPhone handy, ha! I just finished up week 4 of a 5 week boot camp and it’s kicking my butt for sure. But I’m feeling stronger for it and it’s giving me all kinds of ideas of things I can do on my own to build my bones! Great post!!
At first I thought you meant a photography boot camp!! But I’m incredibly impressed that it was obviously a physical training kind of bootcamp!! Haha! What a turn up for the books. What are we like! Another interesting turn on our similar paths. Onwards and upwards but definitely with an iPhone in the pocket. x
Love it Cath. Yes we all need time out of the head and into the body. These are the days. Dancing round the house to favourite tunes pumping bean cans gives light weight input and dancing looks after all other bits including the soul x
Ah yes!! I can see us now with those bean cans! I even relished carrying my bags out of SuperValu instead of using a trolly!! We will find so many creative ways to stay strong. xx
I love the poem, Catherine and all the great comments you’ve received. Feels like a grand community. I can truly relate to how trying to learn what you need to know about bones and nutrition and exercise and then doing it are more than a full time job! I’ve been admiring your stick-to-itness. I haven’t walked outside for weeks! Our high tomorrow is -6 F (-21 C) with 40 mph winds so I have started to go to a gym. I’ve been running on a treadmill and am wearing a couple pounds of weights while I do it. It’s so hard starting over at square one but it has helped me feel like I’m back in my body. My arm has begun to feel like it belongs to me again. Did you feel that with your wrists? Like your body was some alien attachment for awhile?
O I’m delighted to hear that your arm is coming back to you! Plus that you are going to a gym. I simply can’t face that myself. You are a courageous woman!! Thing is, I’m in acceptance place with all this now. I would be thrilled if things improved? But honestly it’s unlikely. I’m just determined to be as healthy and strong as I possibly can be and grow old gracefully. It’s funny, I have forgotten already what it was like to be in plaster and so discombobulated. So that’s a good sign!! I’m so delighted you are there Maery Rose and dealing with similar challenges. It really helps in many ways xx