Sometimes you just snap what you can, following your photography path and documenting each step. On other days you fall into a flow, visualising the image before you even see it, lost in a reverie and yet connected to every fibre of the present.
You anticipate certain factors that add up to the right conditions. Still air, soft light, fields of golden daisies, drifts of wildflowers. The sun is going down casting long golden beams across the landscape. Even the birds are singing in harmony with a thousand dancing crickets.
One hour, on one evening as the sun slowly deflates into the sea.
They call it the golden hour and it’s one not to miss. Those last rays of the sun, how the light is low across the land casting longer shadows and warming the sky to an intensity. A lesson learned that is never now forgotten.
Magical golden evenings! I could dream for hours looking at uour pictures…
Merci Amelie!! Love golden light……
Lovely Lagurus ovatus (Hare's Tail Grass) resplendent in the golden light. It's wonderful seeing the world through your eyes, Catherine.
Ah well spotted, you see I love all these raggle taggle plants but never seem to get to finding out their names……thank you:~))
These are great, the lighting hits them perfectly and great depth of field. keep it up.
Thanks Samantha, good luck with your show!
These are lovely…I'm not sure what the grasses in the third picture are called, but we had some in our garden last year. They were so soft and fluffy 🙂 You've caught the light at the lovely time 🙂
I love it when all the elements are present and I happen to have my camera…gorgeous views!