“I think of when I was in high school in the 1940s: the white girls got their hair crinkled up by chemicals and heat so it would curl, and the black girls got their hair mashed flat by chemicals and heat so it wouldn’t curl. Home perms hadn’t been invented yet, and a lot of kids couldn’t afford these expensive treatments, so they were wretched because they couldn’t follow the rules, the rules of beauty.
Beauty always has rules. It’s a game. I resent the beauty game when I see it controlled by people who grab fortunes from it and don’t care who they hurt. I hate it when I see it making people so self-dissatisfied that they starve and deform and poison themselves.”
I was quite taken with a report from a race meeting in Ireland where three young women in sky high shoes were passing by the TV cameras as they teetered across a muddy path. One lost her balance on this seeming tight rope of muck and fell onto her knees in her posh frock, while the other two held onto their hats and virtually stepped over her. It seems everyone had a chuckle.
I know I probably wore some shockers in my day. Everything from hot pants to padded shoulders. But is it just me? Has the consumer culture had an increasingly awful effect on our girls? When killer heels literally become killer shoes, maybe things have gone a bit too far?
Today I saw a girl in her element on the beach. Strong, powerful, full of joy she was. Something I wish for all our girls. The wise old woman in me says beware of consumerism and false promises. Youth passes but inner beauty and real joy last a life time. Beware of the MAD Men and what they will try to sell you. Shoes you can really walk, dance and thrive in will lead you towards a happier life in the long run.
But other than that wear and do what ever the hell you want as long as it is what YOU want!!! Think for yourself girls…….
Has it been coming to this for a long time? Am I going completely “hag” as Caitlin Moran says! Probably, but sure bring it on!
Bring it on fast for us all!
Haha!! Think I’m already there.
Wonderful to see strong young women, healthy, assertive and aware of their strength and talents. Free to be themselves, to be self determining.
I love your horsewomen here…and the toddler learning the pleasures of fresh air , a beach, and beautiful animals to ride on.
Oh yes, more of this is needed, and is a joyous thing to see.
Yay!! Bring it on. Let’s have freedom instead of fashion. X
Beautiful images, as always. I loved seeing these words a while back, that if all girls/women wake up and know there is absolutely nothing wrong with their bodies, skin, hair, it would put so many big corporations out of business and wouldn’t that be just priceless?!!
and hot pants??? I so remember wearing those, too! Really wish I had not worn the high heels even for the short time I did, my toes would be thanking me!
I remember when fashion was a form of protest? Kind of made us so different from our conservative parents? Now it is too conformist and all about perfection. So boring??? Mind those toes Susan x
I remember in the late ’70s, in junior high school, I stole my older sisters platform shoes for the day. I never felt so unnatural in my whole life! I teetered and tottered and stumbled throughout the day and on the way home, as soon as I was out of sight of the school grounds, I took those things off of my feet! I do admire women who can walk normally in them but, nope, not for me those shoes!!
One of the most ironic things I’ve ever seen was a womens magazine that had a very glam, skinny, made up lady on the cover and the main article was titled: “Why are women so insecure?”
It’s so funny on the one hand but so sad for our girls who continue to deal with this rubbish dreamt up by advertisers. Ah Kerry those platform shoes!! Just one step away from torture!! Priceless
Love these words Catherine. Raising 4 girls I definitely agree with you x
It’s hard to balance isn’t it? I’d hate to criticise their choices, but at the same time girls need the other messages that life is for living. Paula they are lucky to have a mother who knows that x
What a beautiful young woman you have featured here…and it’s so sad to think of how many young girls are influenced by so many others…especially the media. Wonderful post!
We did get our own form of fashion facism but nothing like I see today. Or is that what every generation thinks. X