It’s been three and a half years now since I finally made the decision to live again the artist’s life that I had dreamt of as a teenager. Even though for 20 years I kept the Artist’s Way beside the bed, it was only recently that like a bolt of lightening it hit me, it was now or never! The voice in my head that said you are not a true artist has gone away and I refuse ever let that be an issue again.
It’s not about recognition or approval. I blog as a way to share and to somehow make evidence for myself that I am growing and creating a body of work. Starting to blog has been key in completing the creative circle; showing the work.
And that is why each of you has been so much part of my recovery. Sounds like I had an addiction to something? I think it was survivor guilt in my case…..but that’s another story……
Over the last months I’ve been messing about with a little book about the creative path and putting together a month by month notebook of photos and words which have kept me going over the last few years. I got the first copy of it in the post from Blurb and although it is tiny (7″x7″) it is juicy and full of things I’ve learned along the way. I look forward to sharing it with you when I iron out a few further details. It’s called “Seek light, embrace shade and live colour”
Added to that bit of excitement the Foxglove Lane Studio Blog is again a finalist in the Irish Blog Awards. Also in the finals is my friend Eadaoin from City of Blackbirds. She is a gifted photographer and gave me lots of great advice about blogging when I was starting out and didn’t even know her! Her blog is a pure joy to follow.
I continue to work hard. Managing a day job and an artist’s path means there is never, ever a dull moment. And maybe that’s all anyone could wish for? The summer sun has seeped into my bones and as September envelops us all in the purest of pure gold…….that fading summer sun…..I thank each of you for your encouragement and support.
And if you love golden light too check out the Golden gallery here
Beautiful photos.
Good luck with the awards and the continuation of your artistic journey …
Thank you Jane! And the same to you…
Once again I enjoyed my visit to your postings. The photos are all so "soft" and relaxing – love that feeling when I viewed them today. Jack
Hi Jack, many thanks for dropping by! We aim to please! That soft evening light is very kind…..
how exciting to have a book published!
SELF-published Diane, but I am excited about it….now I just need to get the final little details sorted and I will share it with you all:~))
Pure gold! This is awesome. You really are a true, and marvellous, artist.
I can't wait for your book!
Thanks Amelie, I have enjoyed making it. Thank you for your warm support :~))
Really impressive thought, Pure Gold. what an idea! simply awesome, I'm waiting to buy your book. All the best for your success.
Many thanks Sakshi!! the light of September in Ireland is usually wonderful but this year with a late summer it has been just that pure gold…..
Beautiful golden shots Catherine, and thank you for the lovely mention 🙂 I'm delighted to have watched you come so far since we first got to know each other as bloggers. Looking forward to hearing more about your book, how exciting! x
Thanks Eadaoin, you continue to delight us all with your beautiful photography and even from this distance you continue to inspire me:~))
What a beautiful post….and such gorgeous September light. Can't wait to hear more about your book – :-)! You go girl!!!
Marcie, typically I am beginning to panic now about the book……duh! What if it's not good enough and all that JAZZ!! Funny how standing out there on the ledge of expectation can send a shiver down your spine HAHA! Thank you my dear x
Beautiful post and so love the idea of your book! Congrats on being a finalist for the Irish blog awards!
Thank you so much Robin!
Catherine, your blog is one of my favorites to follow. You have a true artist's eye and a reverence for the natural world that I just drink up with each photograph. Plus, it makes me feel closer to Ireland, the one place I truly love besides my own. Thank you for sharing your pilgrimages, your processes, and your perspectives with us!
Ah Jill you have made my day. It is my absolute pleasure:~))
Stunning post, Catherine. Best of luck with the 'little' book and the blog awards.
It is such a pleasure to have gotten to know you through blogging and to be fortunate enough to live close to you. I find it hard to think of a more inspirational, generous and genuine person. You should be so proud of the paths you have/are following. jx
Thank you dear Jean. That is so kind of you. Its wonderful to share the same neck of the woods and hopefully we will get to have a good old chat and a giggle again soon:~)
Greetings to you Catherine. I'm so pleased that you have won another blog award and no surprise. Your blog is a beauty in all ways, friendly to navigate and nurturing to the spirit. (I feel as though I could reach out and stroke that sweet white horse with his lovely lashes-:) Self publishing gives you much more creative control and potentially more revenue for your efforts as well. It is a lot of work to have something professionally edited, cover designed, etc, yet you ARE an artist and I have a hunch you are a better person to birth your own book. Here in the states, the "Indies" are becoming the way to go for many because people want good content and don't want just an increasingly small number of publishers being the only gatekeepers in town.
Hi Susie, lots of interesting thoughts there. It would be out of the question for most of us to consider a book without the facility of indie publishing. As an experiment I am going to give it a whirl! Special thanks to you for all your support and kindness over the last year, it was such a delight to co-operate on your Italian project. x
Beautiful photos Catherine. Wishing you the best of luck in The Blog Awards, you are so deserving of a place in the finals.
Thank you Mary and best of luck to you in the Green and Eco category:~))
You have been a busy girl! I enjoy all the golden-ness you share, best of luck with the blog & book.
Thank you Barbara! It's lovely to have your warm support:~))
Bet you've no idea how many people you inspire. 🙂
Felicity I haven't haha! But I'd love to think that though…….. x
Oh Catherine, so many parallels again … the artist's life abandoned, The Artist's Way … but you are ahead of me along this road in every sense, and a constant inspiration … I'm with Felicity, there are surely very many of us who feel the same way.
I have recently focussed my blog fully on my writing and my photography … like you I've realised that it's time to get serious!
Good luck in the blogging awards, and I can't wait to hear more about this book!
Funny and comforting Annie that we continue to parallel each other! It's only a decision at the end of it all and it sounds like you have made it too. Now for finding the time to do it all. But sure as women aren't we ever and always trying to do that, we are old hands at keeping all the balls in the air at one end and dancing a jig with our feet at the other???
I look forward to your book Catherine…I am sure it is inspirational in word and picture as your blog is…and I thank you for your encouragement.