Some mysterious things go on in the world. Many that most of us don't expect, support or buy into. While we all have to mull over and face up to our fair share, it is often hard to find solutions to the myriad of problems that absorb us. Foxglove Lane is an oasis from that place ; no politics, no economics no pessimism, no solutions are . . .
A happy browse in the courgettes results in eye to eye contact……
Had a look out in the undergrowth after recent stormy and wet weather and was so happy to find a summery pair, and it seemed as if each of them looked me straight in the eye! Were they aware of my presence? I like to think so....... . . .
Be a bit more friendly towards the wild things
I know the neighbours despair of my nettle border and my overwhelming gorse mountain but I can't resist including them all in my mixed up wild, cultivated garden. There are so many parts of the country where the verges and the hedgerows are devoid of life. Grass grows, but the diversity that is natural to . . .