In the transition days after Christmas and in the New Year everything seems to slow down. There were some great days of blue skies and the world and his wife were out walking. There’s no doubt that getting outside in nature is both exhilarating and healing. When I found myself grieving at Christmas about 12 years . . .
Friendship, cafés and endorphins
We tend to think about love and family as a kind of “coupling up” based on marriage and generations of parents and children. Of course this is the very basis of how our communities are set up, but something fundamental is changing about how we are living and relating to each other. We are making better friends and creating our . . .
Facing the day
Hi everyone! As winter draws in I may be spending a bit more time here on the blog. As ever my motto about social media is that it's better for the brain to be a creator than to be a consumer. Now that Twitter has fallen you will find me on Bluesky and on Instagram I’m on the early train to Dublin sitting opposite . . .
Framework-building ethical leadership and practice
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Such a wonderful Spring!
Spring has been a difficult time. It's not just the social isolating, or the threat the pandemic poses. Our family lost our beloved Step Mother to the Covid 19 virus on April 18th. I've written 4 pieces for the Waterford News and Star since the lockdown. They meander through the last few weeks with the story of what happened . . .
When all will be well again
Times are strange for sure. While Spring is trying it's best to break through we are also struggling with what Covid -19 has brought us. Anxiety and isolation mostly. Saint Patrick's Day has been cancelled. We all have to have private parades and parties. We wash our hands and cross our fingers. I've developed a nasty habit of . . .
Well Girl Walk, Waterford Women’s Centre 1995-2020
In 1995 a group of us in Waterford, accessed EU funding to set up two women's projects in the South East of Ireland. One became Access 2000 in Wexford and the other became the Waterford Women's Centre. The Irish Government was the mainstream funder of the two projects in time. Through creative thinking and dedication both projects have . . .
Blacksod Bay
You couldn't be looking out into Blacksod Bay and fail to think of Rescue 116. The helicopter went down here last year, 2017, while on a mission in bad weather conditions. All four crew were lost. You can see Blackrock Island where the incident occurred from everywhere along this stretch. I had never been here . . .
The Copper Coast of County Waterford
Annestown, Knockane, Benvoy, Boatstrand, Kilmurrin, Bonmahon, Tra na mBó, Ballydowane, this was my journey today. I've been thinking about starting a section on this blog to highlight some of the places I know and love. What do you think? I get asked a lot about the best places to visit and besides the obvious and the . . .
Primitive man in all his glory
Last weekend as usual there were young lads playing in the forest beside the lake. I can see this spot from the house. So like all my neighbours, I tend to keep an close eye on these boys. I wonder who they are? The years pass and still they come. Anonymous teenagers with all kinds of excitement on their minds. Bitter experience reminds me where . . .