We are busy; the bees, the hoverflies and us. We are buzzing, and flitting and re-focussing our intentions. We are working all hours to keep body and . . .
Alone with my thoughts
On a small strip of land between the sea and the wall of the house, this beautiful horse has been casually grazing. He is a constant presence and from the house can be seen peeping up over the stone wall, his dappled coat blending in perfectly with the misty landscape.If ever an animal or a scene was . . .
Epicurus (Ἐπίκουρος, Epikouros, “ally, comrade”; 341 BCE – 270 BCE)
I never really knew where the term epicurean came from. So anyway it seems that it came from a Greek philosopher called Epicurus. "His philosophy was to attain the happy, tranquil life, characterized by "atraxia", peace and freedom from fear, and "aponia", the absence of pain, and by living a self-sufficient life surrounded by . . .