Evening is drawing in. The water has settled into calm stillness. Tonight the warm hearts of my sisters in wildness stir new possibilities.
We are seeking a kind of wild time dreaming. Then one of them reminds me of Dawna Markova’s poem. I go back to her later, dipping in at random. Here she is recovering from her operation for cancer.
“You’re more than the sickness in that body…… You are not the pain in that body. It’s in there but you are more than that pain.”
In every sense this must be true of each of us. Touching souls is a delicate operation. Releasing hidden wings skyward.
A light wind whips up the water’s surface and it’s time to leave. I’m away towards the setting sun. Next time we will follow the track in the other direction. Back in time to the 15th Century, exploring an old church and graveyard.
Learning more about how to fall down in the grass.
How scrumptious it was to swim with the swans and to float on my back with ears under water and everything drowned out and the sight of young swallows learning to fly and manoeuvre right over my head and then for me to find my feet in the briny and tune back in to the sisterhood as they laughed in the evening lake light. No full stops no commas just flow….and tea….
Ah…….yes…….scrumptious it was…..and the tea…..perfect…..xx