It's one of those nights, summer turning to autumn, when the sun sends sideways glances at the earth and turns the day's heat into shades of pink and gold. We are walking on the cliffs at Garrarus and at each further climb towards the top field we stop and watch it disappear to the west. The small details catch my eye but . . .
Mesmerised by butterflies
At least once a year there has to be a Butterfly Blitz on Foxglove Lane and today's the day!! That's it plain and simple........ . . .
There’s grey and then there’s grey……
There's grey and then there's grey in it. Thin milky grey that comes down as a low cloud, covering up beauty and bringing the whole country to it's knees for the lack of light. The thundering grey of darkening skies and seas. Soaked up by the eye, bringing softness and balm to the soul. Today I floated in grey as if a slate . . .
The tangy orange of the Blog Awards 2013
The cafe near Coumenoule The lush Montbretia hedgerows of the Dingle Penninsula The Surf School in Inch Mr Orange Shorts in Coumenoule Does all this orange clash horribly with the foxglovish purples on this page? Yes...... but it goes . . .
Friendship at the edge of time
Every year there is one sure thing, we will make a journey out to the west of Ireland where the Atlantic crashes against the shoreline of Europe, last stop before New York. There will be clouds, there will be mist and there will be a sense of leaping off the edge of the world and into the benign abyss. Out past the road from Dungarvan to Youghal . . .
“You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves”
"You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves" from the Wild Geese by Mary Oliver With thanks to Grace . . .
~ A head full of notions ~
As a fully paid up and proud member of the working class, I get to enjoy a certain number of leave days every year. This week I have had 5 of them. Next week I will have 5 more...... At this early stage I'm not sure who I will be or what I will do when it's over......but there's nothing surer than I will return with a head full of . . .
What is, is….
I could see from the window that the Purple Loosestrife was blooming profusely in the bog field. Every day as I ran out the door to complete my week's work I held the image in my heart and waited for the opportunity. (Am not too bad at delayed gratification after all these years of practice) At last this morning I headed . . .
Blogging facts, 10 lessons and a few seeds…..
Foxglove Lane Facts Friends this is my 200th published post and there are another 157 that are still in draft. I have been blogging for 28 months and have uploaded almost 1,000 photos here. Foxglove Lane has had over 261,000 pageviews. As I started out with one very short post and one tiny photo, today feels like I have come . . .
Summer Bay
If Ireland is green then Australia must be blue. It's Autumn but the sun is bright and the air is as balmy as one of our best summer days.She left Ireland 30 years ago to go and live down under. She described her choice as the only option left to an . . .