In the transition days after Christmas and in the New Year everything seems to slow down. There were some great days of blue skies and the world and his wife were out walking. There’s no doubt that getting outside in nature is both exhilarating and healing. When I found myself grieving at Christmas about 12 years . . .
Friendship, cafés and endorphins
We tend to think about love and family as a kind of “coupling up” based on marriage and generations of parents and children. Of course this is the very basis of how our communities are set up, but something fundamental is changing about how we are living and relating to each other. We are making better friends and creating our . . .
Facing the day
Hi everyone! As winter draws in I may be spending a bit more time here on the blog. As ever my motto about social media is that it's better for the brain to be a creator than to be a consumer. Now that Twitter has fallen you will find me on Bluesky and on Instagram I’m on the early train to Dublin sitting opposite . . .
It’s good to talk
Hi everyone, First of all my apologies for the glitch yesterday! I was trying something fancy and simply couldn't remember how to do it! It's been quite a while since I posted anything here on the blog. I keep up now with articles for the local paper and my own writing. Perhaps Book 2, who knows? Anyway I hope all of you are . . .
A little 12 year update
This year was the 12th anniversary of the day I first posted a photo online and called it a blog! In those days blogging was a big deal especially amongst groups of women around the world who discovered the world of Blogger and Wordpress and took a lash at it. After my first few blogposts I struck up friendships with many of them. Some . . .
Hope for 2023
First of all Happy New Year to you all! Doesn't 2023 feel like a date from some futuristic science fiction novel. Amazingly it is now 55 years since 2001 A Space Odyssey was first screened in Ireland. Even more astonishing is that all of the futuristic ideas in it were from a book by Arthur C. Clarke written in the 1950s. . . .
Becoming a published author
So just between ourselves, my book SOLACE-life, loss and the healing power of nature is now published, running wild and free in the world. It's been an incredible adventure so far. I was amazed when Michael O'Brien of the O'Brien Press phoned me to say that he wanted publish a book with me. It was literally a kid . . .
My new book Solace is here!
The Solace Launch I am thrilled to tell you all that my new book Solace is available to buy now (For international friends, it is available on most of the big online booksellers.) It is published by the O'Brien Press in September 2022, with a launch in the Book Centre, Waterford. It was launched by Mary Frances Ryan the Editor of . . .
In the wild garden
It's always been a dream to have a wild garden, one that respects what's going on in nature and at the same time plays with colour and delight. For so many years I have just pottered once a year to try and keep some order on mine. Gradually as I focussed all my time on the day job, gardening became overwhelming and . . .
A word for the year 2022
Winter is a time of wonderful light. It spreads in long rays across the land or creates deep and vibrant sunsets over the lake. I usually choose a word to guide me through the forthcoming year. I have had fun with this process over the years including words like, threshold, inkling, expand, pilgrimage. Some of my . . .