“Well, I think that the threshold — if you go back to the etymology of the word “threshold,” it comes from “threshing,” which is to separate the grain from the husk. So the threshold, in a way, is a place where you move into more critical and challenging and worthy fullness. And I think there are huge thresholds in every life.
I mean I think, for instance, to give a very simple example of it is that if you are in the middle of your life in a busy evening, 50 things to do, and you get a phone call that somebody that you love is suddenly dying — it takes ten seconds to communicate that information, but when you put the phone down, you are already standing in a different world, because suddenly, everything that seemed so important before is all gone, and now you are thinking of this. So the given world that we think is there, and the solid ground we are on, is so tentative. And I think a threshold is a line which separates two territories of spirit, and I think that very often how we cross is the key thing.”
John O’ Donohue from On Being with Krista Tippett
It’s been a while. How are you all doing?
I love this quiet space and am very happy today to find the time to write here again. I could list out all the happenings going on offline. But suffice to say life grows ever more interesting!
Last year as most of you already know, I took a year’s leave of absence from Framework, the organisation I set up in 1994. Those 24 years of my life have now come to a close as I have decided to continue on this creative path and not return. I walk away with a lot of pride in everything Framework has achieved in that time. But more than that I couldn’t be prouder of the team who continue to do wonderful work in the face of ongoing challenges.
Sure they are all fabulous!!! So are the Voluntary Board of Directors who continue to give direction and create security. Maybe I will write some other time all about it. If you are interested here’s a link to the Framework blogpost I wrote about the early beginnings.
Now it feels as if there’s a big space opening up ahead of me. I haven’t even had time yet to pick a word for the year. But I keep telling myself that everything, everything, everything will unfold……
I’m writing a submission for a piece of work too and I’m calling it Crossing the Threshold. The more I expand on the idea the more I realise this is where I am myself once more. I have drafted and re-drafted this piece a few times and I love the edgy feeling of possibility in it. Yes, it’s right where I am, on “a line which separates two territories of spirit.”
My two territories of spirit could be my life as an activist and support worker for change, and this other spirit of writing and photography? Or maybe it’s the threshold of the past and the present and where they meet at the beginning of this third age? Or something about leaving yet another safe haven and stepping across the threshold into the latest unknown?
Could Threshold actually be the word I’m looking for after all?
While I was mulling that one over, my elderly relative who I am also a part-time carer for, fell and broke her second hip. She was only recovering from the first fall a few months back. Something is not quite right with her care and while she is back in hospital we have many decisions to make. Just when you think you can finally sit down, make a cuppa and take a breath…..something else comes knocking at the door…….
In the bigger picture, amidst all the concerns for the planet and the future, the light is returning and the mornings are a bit brighter. The hyacinths on my kitchen table are coming into bloom, unfurling, softening the view.
How is your New Year going? And what do you think of Threshold as a word for 2018? I’m definitely drawn to it…….
Crossing a threshold really resonates with me too, Catherine. And recognising the invitation to step into a spacious place. I am also discovering that this is where we find our voice
Thank you Sue for sharing that. I am so interested in women coming into their own power and as you say finding their own true voice. Every time I hear a clear message like yours it helps to strengthen my own stride deeper into the world. x
I like it! ‘Threshold’…In fact it’s something I think about a lot these days…which steps to take once over that line…and how do I even get there! I love the opening paragraph quote. Days are indeed getting lighter and I’ve even seen tiny green spikes of bulb leaves emerging from the winter ground…could it be spring is on its way??? I hope things work out with your relative. It’s always a challenge as we get older…so do those around us.
I encourage you on your creative journey! A choice to do what you love is always good!
O good! Glad you like it. I feel like everyday is a new threshold at the moment! And yes the year is turning again, a sign of the new and the fresh. Thank you Kerry for your kind wishes. I hope you have a wonderful 2018! Did you choose a word yourself?
from the outside looking in, I see you crossing a threshold in your writing to us.
Breaking a second hip, poor woman, that is a lot to deal with all at once!
O thank you for that. And even from the outside looking in, isn’t that crossing the threshold too? In the other direction your commenting here is yet another crossing! I’m enjoying all the connections. Yes a lot to deal with but still going so strong……xx