So it’s ten years since I posted my very first blog. Over the years the writing part has increased but the photography has always been the starting point. Each blog, and there have been hundreds, began with a walk or maybe a trip somewhere, and the images from my camera for that day.
In those days, shortly after the crash, I had just started working from home, something that is very familiar to us all now. The pure joy of it for me was to be more present through the seasons and the many changes that take place here every day.
My Dad was dying at the time and he finally passed away in December of that year. I suppose the blogging was a way of staying sane through those last months. I’ve often talked about the meditative state of wandering with a camera and it continues to this day. I have to admit wintery lockdown walking isn’t always a treat and we have had a huge amount of rainy days recently.
Funnily enough this is exactly where it all all started, on a rainy day in February 2011. Between the advancements in digital photography and the internet, it all came together that wet Sunday afternoon. I have never stopped blogging, although in recent years I have been somewhat distracted by other projects, including a regular newspaper column.
I never set out to be a writer, but I have now had ten years of practice and turning up at the keyboard. I feel I probably had some kind of block about writing from the day my English teacher threw my essay back at me with one withering comment,”Trite!” Although I had written since my very early childhood, after that stark appraisal I decided then to follow the art route.
Art was never plain sailing either. The art college had an in-group of artists and their favourite students. I never felt like I fitted in there, and although freedom to create was the value they ascribed to, the atmosphere seemed to be anything but. Luckily I have found other kinds of personal creativity that have been very rewarding.
I’ve become a very strong believer in the power of art and nature to salve the soul. There is a special place in the world for great artists and they continue to inspire and challenge us. But those of us who want to live in a soulful way, don’t have to aspire to global domination! I’ve always said, if there is something you want to do, just go and do it. I have no idea how to define success, or how to advise on it either. Each person will have their own goals and their own application to the work. Go easy on yourself!
I continue to try to enjoy revealing some of the stories of this place, and to share my images. Twas enough in 2011 and it is more than enough today. Choosing an art path in life certainly led to some interesting projects, some great collaborations and probably gave me an alternative angle on dealing with the world.
So for the day that’s in it, I am sharing some of my posts from 2011,10 years ago. I am also sharing one of my most popular posts ever, about Patti Smith, which went a bit viral, very unusual for me!
Thank you to you! You have been so encouraging and such loyal and supportive followers !! I hope to have some good news in the writing department later this month, so I will fill you in next time. Until then, hang in there!
Oh, how lucky I am to have found you! I love your righteous words and your excellent, rich, luscious, endlessly fascinating images.
Ah Susan, that’s just fab! Thank you so much for being there. x
Warmest congratulations on your ten year anniversary, Catherine. That is truly special.
I have always enjoyed your sensitive and insightful approach to life and art. Reading what you shared about your experience with writing and art over the years I can now see why.
Writing and poetry were always important to me until the day my favorite Greek Literature and Philosophy high school teacher read one of my essays and more or less told me my writing was superficial and yes, trite. I was heartbroken and stopped trying. I was 14.
The need to seek beauty and document it somehow never went away though. I discovered photography at 16 and nature has been a sanctuary from an early age. Being in nature and expressing myself through writing, photography, and gardening is how I live. I am not a professional. I do it for me and occasionally my observations find their way into my work.
I am looking forward to your writing news.
Thank you for sharing your world with us.
Thanks Yota, and I am so delighted that we have managed to stay in touch over the years! I’m pretty sure we go back to the earlier days of social media……a time when things were a lot simpler in many ways. I know that you have also stayed the course and I think that’s really all there is to it….Interesting about your teacher. Why would anyone do that? In my case I feel she wanted to make sure I took a more “academic” approach and passed my exam! However the put down really struck home and like you, became a block to writing anything that has me in it. I still struggle a bit with freeing the language…..but I will keep practicing I suppose. Thanks for being there Yota. x
Yes, we do go back to the earlier days of social media…simpler, friendlier days indeed. As for my teacher, she probably wanted to keep my writing honest and help me pass my college entry exam. Who knows why we’re handed certain battles in early life. In some ways it makes us stronger I guess but they also alter our course. In some cases that’s a good thing. It’s been a full and rich journey and that’s all that matters. Thank you again xoxo
Yes indeed. Wise thoughts Yota. “It’s been a full and rich journey” alright. We are so lucky to be able to ascribe to that. x
Today my camera and I went up the mountain in search of disas. We were about a dozen, each appreciating a breathing space in lives that are sometimes fraught.
Congratulations on your 10th blogaversary! Your photos and your words linger in my mind. Happy smile …
Hi Diana, thank you so much for staying in touch over the years. I love to think of you in your far more exotic landscape, wandering around your amazing garden or rambling in the countryside. The connection between women and nature never ceases to lighten the load. Here’s to many more years of joy. Sure aren’t we the lucky ones! x
some great encouragement for me there on my own writing path, and really looking forward to some good news! yay
So I think I remember meeting you on the very early days and we chatted about blogging and I remember you were thinking of starting a blog? Would you look at the pair of us now. Did we ever think it would be for the long haul? At this stage you are a published author and niche expert in your field. It’s quite amazing Andrew. Who knows where the next 10 years will bring us? Meanwhile it’s a nice day at last and I’m sure we will both be out tramping the tracks and trails and absorbing the light. Many thanks, fellow traveller!!! Ca
Congratulations, Catherine! Your words and photos are always beautiful and inspiring. Long may it continue! June.
Ah June, thank you so much. Again I remember you from way back when social media was a lot simpler and maybe a lot friendlier too. Fantastic that we are both still here and going strong. Here’s to our next 10!!! x
Hi Ca, Wonderful to be reminded of some of your amazing photos from previous years. I especially love the trees at night through the window. Some of the ones at the top of this blog are especially intriguing, a touch of the surreal and story-making. Great that it’s still going strong. And your newspaper column. I like the words of wisdom – or at least sense! – there too. Xxx Mary
Hi Mary, where does 10 years go? One thing I’m happy about its that I can at least look back and find out what I was doing and when!!! Thanks for all your kind support. Who knows we might even meet up one of these years?! xx
Dear Catherine, 10 years! I hardly believe it! … and you just made me realize that it’s been ten years for me too! maybe I should think about some anniversary post. The world of social media has changed so much, with not so many people still on blogs. But your posts here are are always precious to me, this one especially, awakening many good memories. So my wish is for another ten years, and more …Much love. Amélie
Dear Amelie, yes in those days we were very connected through our blogs! It really was a special time, and I know you were an inspiration to me back then. How amazing we both kept going. And Elsa? She must be almost grown? I’m sure your blog really is that diary you set out to make for her. I find that I can look back too and it has in fact been a journal of those years. Congratulations on your 10 years. I wonder what the next 10 will bring???
I moved to Australia ten years ago and started blogging too. A friend who moved to Ireland pointed me in your direction soon after. I have so enjoyed your wonderful images and wise words over the years. Thank you for sharing this beauty with all of us.
Wow Carol, you’ve been around as long or even a bit longer than myself! I absolutely love your work and how beautiful your blog is too. Congratulations! I think it has been a fantastic way of all of us connecting. That’s exactly why I started. I couldn’t believe how much we had in common at all corners of the planet. It has been a joy. Keep her going Patsy as we say here. xx
I know I’m late to the 10 year celebration, but just wanted to give you a shout to say that I’ve so enjoyed your blog over the years! Keep sharing your beautiful photography and wise words!